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Capital City Business Chamber

Lynwood Galleries Builing 406 Diana Street, , , 0081

WHO WE ARE   Established in 2008, the Capital City Business Chamber (CCBC) is a recognized Chamber of Commerce working for the success of the Business Community in the Capital City (P ...

The Cullinan Chamber of Commerce is an innovative fast growing organization, working for the success of our members and the Business community in Region 5 and surrounding regions. This Chamber was established on 28 October 2010. It is fully affiliated to ...

Greater Tshwane Business Forum (GTBF) strives for the creation of an economically vibrant community where its residents live decently. The GTBF provides a platform to built partnership amongst all sectors of the community thereby creating an efficient and ...

NAFCON is a national multi-issue alliance of Filipino organizations and individuals in the United States serving to protect the rights and welfare of Filipinos by fighting for social, economic, and racial justice and equality. At present, NAFCON members e ...

About the SBI The SBI is the Big Voice for Small Business. As the national organisation of small business chambers for over 75 years, our members reside in the largest metros and the smallest rural towns; we speak for thousands of businesses. VisionAHi ...

Tshwabac Events Center

205 Soutter Street, , , 0002

TSHWABAC owns the Tshwane Events Centre (formerly known as the Pretoria Show Grounds), and offers comprehensive venues and event organising services and logistical support for any event you may wish to host. We wrap our venue around your event! Contact ...

MORE THAN A CENTURY OF SERVICE A proud history of Commerce in Pretoria is in fact the history of Pretoria itself and to a large extent that of the Province and of South Africa. On 24 August 1891 a number of businessmen of the Capital of the Transvaal Re ...

Tshwane Community Business Forum

2010 Hendrick Verwoed Drive, , , 0157

ABOUT US Tshwane Community Business Forum (TCBF) is an independent and non-governmental organisation formed in January 2014 by a group of entrepreneurs to be the voice of SMMEs and co-operatives operating in the townships and rural areas in Tshwane. It ...

The Tshwane East Business Chamber (TEBC) is a not for profit organisation whose purpose is to support the growth and success of the business community in the East of Tshwane more particular Eersterust and represent and champion the business community?s in ...

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The Capital City Business Chamber (CCBC) is an innovative organization working for the success of the Business Community in the Capital City (Pretoria/Tshwane) of South Africa

Contact us

Capital City Business Chamber

41 Kitshoff Street,

Rosslyn Pretoria, Gauteng 0182


Tel: 012 542 1308