Vanani Fresh Produce (Pty) Ltd is a registered company as per CIPC requirements with its premises strategically situated within the premises of Tshwane Fresh Produce Market in Pretoria Gauteng. Vanani is compliant in every respect in terms of HACCP, any other health requirements and traceability. Our core business is the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh processed vegetables and groceries.
We started our business being informed by the fact that food especially fruit and vegetables is and shall always be basic to healthy living. We also realized and understood that small business is the way to go to grow the economy of our country and create jobs. At the beginning our approach was to supply government Institutions, mainly the department of health, through tendering .We were able to employ +/- 28 employees at that time as our industry is highly labor intensive.
We diversified and focused on private business whereby we can now plan for growth and create more jobs. Our fresh prepacks of vegetables are now found in most supermarkets in Pretoria Gauteng.
Vanani is owned and directed by qualified entrepreneurs whose aim is to gain a major share of the market in which we operate.
Our strength is our committed team to deliver the quality product and service at all times. Our business is sustainable due to the fact that there are more working women who do not have time to prepare a meal for their families, and ready cut vegetables is likely to be the way to go.
The agro processing market is still at its infant stage and growing fast as more people are becoming health conscious the fruit and vegetables forming the core towards healthy living. The demand for fresh cut vegetables shall always grow for convenience and health reasons. We have just made some inroads into supermarkets and the demand is overwhelming.
The Capital City Business Chamber (CCBC) is an innovative organization working for the success of the Business Community in the Capital City (Pretoria/Tshwane) of South Africa
Capital City Business Chamber
41 Kitshoff Street,
Rosslyn Pretoria, Gauteng 0182
Tel: 012 542 1308
E Email: info@ccbc.co.za