Economic Impact Consulting: All Listings 

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African Development Planning Consultants

Corner Brooklyn Road and First Street, ,

Against the background of a fast changing legislative landscape in South Africa and the great strides in the spatial planning and land use management sector towards addressing the segregated and disaggregated spatial realities of our country, African Deve ...

Du Bruto & Association

263 Kiewiet Ave, Wierdapark, , , 0157

du Bruto urban planning consultants is a long established spatial and land use development planning consultancy situated in the Pretoria and Centurion areas that specialises in obtaining development planning permission for home-owners, commercial clients, ...

Our vision To be the leading South African based REIT through managing and developing tangible and non-tangible assets. Our why? We create environments and opportunities for people to connect and have authentic and meaningful experiences. Our how? By ...

RETHINKING HOW WE LIVE Human connectivity is the cornerstone of our mission and vision at Menlyn Maine. We strive to connect humans and create an environment where this connectivity can be celebrated.

Community Development and Redevelopment, Economic Planning and Development, Housing / Human Settlements, Integrated Development Planning, Land-Use Management, Parks and Recreation Planning Resort and Eco-tourism Planning, Participation and Empower ...

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