CCBC Green Focus With the world focus on “Greening the Future” and the City of Tshwane’s decision to become the municipal leader of a green and clean City, the Capital City Business Chamber responded by taking the lead in assisting to drive this initi ...
Our primary purpose is to provide the children with clothing, housing, schooling, food, security and stability. In addition, we aim to provide the children with the necessary therapy, life skills and emotional support that they need in order to become res ...
We believe profit, purpose, social impact and economic impact can co-exist in a well-designed interventions. MOPSY Group is a forward-thinking social and economic inclusion consultancy that specialises in creating mutual and sustainable value through col ...
The Capital City Business Chamber (CCBC) is an innovative organization working for the success of the Business Community in the Capital City (Pretoria/Tshwane) of South Africa
Capital City Business Chamber
41 Kitshoff Street,
Rosslyn Pretoria, Gauteng 0182
Tel: 012 542 1308
E Email: